Wildcard input

Reads multiple files using a wildcard with incompatible meta data

Source: CReW Macros

Link: I:\CD Work\London\Data Analytics\Data repository\Alteryx\Alteryx macros\From web

Wildcard XLSX Input

Reads in multiple sheets from multiple Excel files from a directory. Optionally can filter out sheets, can pull field names from a header row, can auto configure field types, can sample N random sheets, and if the headers do not match then raw data for the sheets that did not match will be in the 'N' output.

Source: CReW Macros

Link: I:\CD Work\London\Data Analytics\Data repository\Alteryx\Alteryx macros\From web

Extract from Excel

Extracts data from a single Excel file. Note this only works as part of another workflow.

Source: L.E.K.

Link: I:\CD Work\London\Data Analytics\Data repository\Alteryx\Alteryx macros\LEK

Multiple Sheets Multiple Excel Files

Dynamically inputs data from multiple sheets from multiple Excel files

Source: L.E.K.

Link: I:\CD Work\London\Data Analytics\Data repository\Alteryx\Alteryx macros\LEK

PDF Parse

Source: L.E.K.

Link: I:\CD Work\London\Data Analytics\Data repository\Alteryx\Alteryx macros\LEK

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