Bivariate Theming

This macro produces a map which is themed by two variables, one variable specifying the colour, another specifying the size, of the points.

Values for theming need to be numeric (categorical variables are not supported), and are split into themes so that an equal number of records fall into each band. NB values are not split across bands, and so results can be strange with variables with a low number of records or low number of distinct values.

Source: CReW Macros

Link: I:\CD Work\London\Data Analytics\Data repository\Alteryx\Alteryx macros\From web


The Gauge Tool lets you create gauge report snippets to make part of your reports.

Source: CReW Macros

Link: I:\CD Work\London\Data Analytics\Data repository\Alteryx\Alteryx macros\From web

html5 Render

Renders HTML 5 + JavaScript/SVG etc to a report snippet

Source: CReW Macros

Link: I:\CD Work\London\Data Analytics\Data repository\Alteryx\Alteryx macros\From web


Proptype of interactive charts in the gallery.

Source: CReW Macros

Link: I:\CD Work\London\Data Analytics\Data repository\Alteryx\Alteryx macros\From web

Street View

Enables Google streetview elements to be added to html reports. Specifically, it allows you to insert a Google Street View iframe into an html report from a given set of x, y co-ordinates without needing to know about HTMLPassThrough.

Source: CReW Macros

Link: I:\CD Work\London\Data Analytics\Data repository\Alteryx\Alteryx macros\From web

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